Introduction : globalization's challenges to people's health / Ronald Labonte╠u and Ted Schrecker -- An empirical investigation of the relation between globalization and health / Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Stefano Rosignoli, and Luca Tiberti -- Global political-economic and geopolitical processes, structures, and trends / Patrick Bond -- Labor markets, equity, and social determinants of health / Ted Schrecker -- Globalization and policy space for health and social determinants of health / Meri Koivusalo, Ted Schrecker, and Ronald Labonte╠u -- Liberalization "shocks" and social protection policies : lessons from the East Asian financial crisis / Aniket Bhushan and Chantal Blouin -- Global financing for health : aid and debt relief / Sebastian Taylor and Michael Rowson -- Globalization and health systems change / John Lister and Ronald Labonte╠u -- Globalization and the cross-border flow of health workers / Corinne Packer, Ronald Labonte╠u, and Vivien Runnels -- Globalization, trade, and the nutrition transition / Corinna Hawkes, Mickey Chopra, and Sharon Friel -- Intellectual property rights and inequalities in health outcomes / Carlos M. Correa -- Global governance for health / Kelley Lee ... [et al.] -- Rights, redistribution, and regulation / Ronald Labonte╠u and Ted Schrecker -- Globalization, social determinants, and the struggle for health / David Sanders.