Analytical overview : state of the art of research on globalization / Stefan A. Schirm -- The development of the debate : intellectual precursors and selected aspects / Andreas Busch -- Fiscal policy and adjustment : adjusting fiscal policy to globalization : testing theoretical approaches / Reimut Zohlnh?fer -- Taxation and cooperation : international action against harmful tax competition / Thomas Rixen -- Money and power : markets and governance in international monetary policy / Hubert Zimmermann -- Political transnationalization : the future of the nation-state : a comparison of transnational policy regimes / Edgar Grande ... [et al.] -- Business and governance : transnational corporations and the effectiveness of private governance / Doris Fuchs -- Public-private partnerships : unlike partners? : assessing new forms of regulation / Tanja Brیhl -- Political conditions for economic growth : globalization and developing countries / Joachim Betz -- Regionalism in the world economy : building block or stumbling stone for globalization? / Andreas Dیr -- Transformation and trade liberalization : the integration of the transition countries into the world economy / Thilo Bodenstein.