Recruitment in marine populations / Michael J. Fogarty and Loretta O'Brien -- Reproductive dynamics / D. Pavlov, N. Emel'yanova and G.G. Novikov -- Recruitment variability / Edward D. Houde -- Effects of fishing on the population / Marie-Joeelle Rochet -- Egg, larval and juvenile surveys / Nancy C.H. Lo, Paul E. Smith and Motomitsu Takahashi -- Stock identification / Gavin A. Begg and Steven X. Cadrin -- Stock assessment models and predictions of catch and biomass / John G. Pope -- Applied fish reproductive biology: contribution of individual reproductive potential to recruitment and fisheries management / Olav S. Kjesbu -- Current paradigms and forms of advice / K. Cochrane -- Management: new approaches to old problems / Carl O'Brien -- Implementing information on stock reproductive potential in fisheries management: the motivation, the challenges and the opportunities / C. Tara Marshall.