Law and societal structure among the Nunamiut Eskimo, by L. Pospisil.--The self-management of cultures, by J.M. Roberts.--Archeological approaches to cultural evolution, by I. Rouse.--Land and its manipulation among the Haitian peasantry, by F.W. U
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Includes bibliographies
Text of Note
Introduction, by W.H. Goodenough.- Ethnogenealogical method, by H.C. Conklin.- Social structure of Santa Cruz Island, by W. Davenport.- Commercialization and political change in American Samoa, by M. Ember.- A structural description of Subanun "religious behavior," by C.O. Frake.- Semantic structure and social structure: an instance from Russian, by P. Friedrich.- Culture and logical process, by T. Gladwin.- The Calusa: a stratified, nonagricultural society (with notes on sibling marriage) by J.M. Goggin.- Componential analysis of Konkomo Lapp kinship terminology, by W.H. Goodenough.- The Proto Central Algonquian kinship system, by C.F. Hockett.- Money, ecology, and acculturation among the Shipibo of Peru, by H. Hoffmann.- Survival of a cultural focus, by J.J. Honigmann.- Anthropology and non-Euro