Muhammad's prophetic image. Muhammad and the Qur'an ; The Quar'anic idea of prophets and prophethood ; Review of G. Luling, Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Muḥammad ; Pre-existence and light : aspects of the concept of Nur Muhammad ; Muhammad the exorcist : aspects of Islamic-Jewish polemics ; The shrouded messenger : on the interpretation of al-muzzammil and al-muddaththir - Muhammad's prophetic experience. Muhammad's night journey (isrā') to al-masjid al-aqsa : aspects of the earliest origins of the Islamic sanctity of Jerusalem ; The life of Muhammad and the Qur'an : the case of Muhammad's hijira - Muhammad's Arabia. Abraha ; Hanifiyya and Ka'ba : an inquiry into the Arabian pre-Islamic background of din Ibrahim ; Between Arabia and the Holy Land : a Mecca-Jerusalem axis of sanctity ; The hands of Abu Lahab and the gazelle of the Ka'ba ; Quraysh and their winter and summer journey : on the interpretation of Sura 106 ; Morning and evening prayers in early Islam ; On the Arabian origins of the Qur'an : the case of al-furqan.
Muhammad,d. 632 - Prophetic office.
Muhammad,d. 632 - In the Koran.
Muhammad,d. 632 - Biography - History and criticism.