Conceptual issues underlying stress management / Robert L. Woolfolk, Paul M. Lehrer, and Lesley A. Allen -- Psychophysiological mechanisms of stress: a foundation for the stress management therapies / Angele McGrady -- The psychology of relaxation / Jonathan C. Smith -- Progressive relaxation: origins, principles, and clinical applications / F.J. McGuigan and Paul M. Lehrer -- Progressive relaxation: abbreviated methods / Douglas A. Bernstein, Charles R. Carlson, and John E. Schmidt -- Hypnosis in the management of pain and stress: mechanisms, findings, and procedures / Robert A. Karlin -- The autogenic training method of J. H. Schultz / Wolfgang Linden -- Autogenic biofeedback training in psychophysiological therapy and stress management / Patricia A. Norris, Stephen L. Fahrion, and Leo O. Oikawa -- Psychophysiological perspectives on stress-related and anxiety disorders / Richard N. Gevirtz -- Biofeedback training to increase heart rate variability / Paul M. Lehrer -- Neurofeedback for stress management / Michael Thompson and Lynda Thompson -- Whole-body breathing: a systems perspective on respiratory retraining / Jan van Dixhoorn --
Text of Note
Exercise therapy for stress management / Wesley E. Sime -- Modern forms of mantra meditation / Patricia Carrington -- Mindfulness meditation / Jean L. Kristeller -- Qigong therapy for stress management / Kevin Chen -- Yoga as a therapeutic intervention / Sat Bir S. Khalsa -- Cognitive approaches to stress and stress management / James L. Pretzer and Aaron T. Beck -- Stress inoculation training: a preventative and treatment approach / Donald Meichenbaum -- Music therapy: applications to stress management / Cheryl Dileo and Joke Bradt -- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing and stress: research, theory, and practical suggestions / Lee Hyer and Bonnie Kushner -- Pharmacological approach to the management of stress and anxiety disorders / Laszlo A. Papp -- Sport psychophysiology and peak performance applications of stress management / Paul Davis, Wesley E. Sime, and James Robertson -- Differential effects of stress management therapies on emotional and behavioral disorders / Jonathan M. Feldman ... [et al.] -- Stress management and relaxation therapies for somatic disorders / Nicholas D. Giardino, Angele McGrady, and Frank Andrasik -- Research on clinical issues in stress management / Paul M. Lehrer and Robert L. Woolfolk.