Includes bibliographical references (p. [705]-732) and index.
Text of Note
Foreword -- Preface to 1979 thesis -- Preface to the published edition -- Acknowledgements -- List of abbreviations -- Glossary -- Epigraph -- Part one: From Shaykhism to Babism : a study in charismatic renewal in Shii Islam -- Introduction -- The religious background -- Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i -- Sayyid Kazim Rashti -- From Shaykhism to Babism -- Some aspects of early Babi doctrine -- The Babi da'wa among the Shaykhis and the break with Shaykhism -- Part two: Reflections on Shaykhism and Babism -- Changes in charismatic authority in Qajar Shi'ism -- Early Shaykhi reactions to the Bab and his claims -- Hierarchy, authority and eschatology in early Babi thought -- Divisions and authority claims in Babism (1850-1866) -- Trial of the Bab: Shiite orthodoxy confronts its mirror image -- The Babi concept of holy war -- From Babism to Bahaism: problems of militancy, quietism, and conflation, in the construction of a religion -- Nineteenth-century Babi talismans -- Bab, Sayyed Ali Mohammad Shirazi (1235/1819-1266/1850), the founder of Babism (q.v.) -- Babism -- Azali Babism -- Babi schisms -- Bayan (declaration, elucidation) -- Ahsai, Shaikh Ahmad B. Zayn-Al-Din, 1166-1241/1753-1826, Shiite alem and philosopher and unintending originator of the Shaykhi school of Shiism in Iran and Iraq -- Cosmogony and cosmology, theories of the origins and structure of the universe -- Balasari -- Orthodoxy and heterodoxy in nineteenth-century Shiism : the cases of Shaykhism and Babism -- Deconstructing and reconstructing the Sharia: the Babi and Bahai solutions to the problem of immutability -- Bayan-i Farsi exordium: translation.