/ translated with introduction, notes, and glossary by Jon McGinnis and David C. Reisman.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Hackett Pub. Company
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, c2007.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xxxi, 427 p.
; 23 cm.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (p. 394-402) and index.
Text of Note
Introduction -- Falsafa and the arabic translation movement -- The intellectual world of the ancient and medieval mediterranean -- The physical theory and cosmology of islamic speculative theology (kalām) -- Al-Kindī: The explanation of the proximate efficient cause for generation and corruption -- On the intellect -- On divine unity and the finitude of the world's body -- The one true and complete agent and the incomplete metaphorical "agent" -- On the means of dispelling sorrows -- Ar-Rāzī: The philosopher's way of life -- On the five eternals -- Selections from doubts against Galen -- Al-Fārābī -- The eisagōgē; the introduction -- Selections from Book of demonstration -- On the intellect -- The aims of Aristotle's Metaphysics -- The principles of existing things -- Directing attention to the way to happiness. Baghdad peripatetics: Abū Bishr Mattá: selections from Abū Bishr Mattá's Commentary on Aristotle's Physics, ii 7/9 -- Yaḥyá ibn ʻĀdī: Selection from establishing the nature of the possible -- Abū Sulaymān as-Sijistānī: selection from on the proper perfection of the human species -- Ibn Sīnān -- The Cure, "Book of demonstration," i.9, On induction and methodic experience and what makes it necessary -- The Cure, "Book of demonstration," iii.5 -- The Cure, "Physics," i.2, enumerating the principles of physics by postulate and thesis -- Selections on atomism from the Cure, "Physics" -- Selections on "inclination" (mayl) and projectile motion -- Selections on psychology from the cure, "the soul" -- The Salvation, "Metaphysics," i.12 -- The Salvation, "Metaphysics," ii.1/5 -- The Salvation, "Metaphysics," ii.12/13 -- The Salvation, "Metaphysics," ii.18/19 -- The Cure, "Metaphysics," iv.2, on governance -- Al-Ghazālī: Concerning that on which true demonstration is based -- The Incoherence of the philosophers, "the first discussion," on refuting their claim of the world's eternity -- On power -- Ibn Bajjá: Selection from commentary on Aristotle's "Physics" -- Conjunction of the intellect with man -- Ibn Ṭufayl: Selections from Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān -- Ibn Rushd: Selections from the Incoherence of the Incoherence, "first discussion" -- The decisive treatise -- Commentary on Metaphysics, zeta 9 -- Selections from the long commentary on the soul -- Commentary on Metaphysics, delta 7 -- As-Suhrawardī: Selections from the philosophy of illumination -- Glossary / Index -- Notes -- Bibliography.