Introduction: the Canadian short story, by R. Knister.--Last spring they came over, by M. Callaghan.--The weather breeder, by M. Denison.--The chase of the tide, by N. Duncan.--Remembrance, by W. M. Imrie.--The man who slept till noon, by W. E. Ingersoll.--The great election in Missinaba County, by S. Leacock.--The root house, by L. McFarlane.--Susie and Perce, by T. Murtha.--Sir Watson Tyler, by H. O'Higgins.--The epaulettes, by G. Parker.--The men who climbed, by M. L. C. Pickthall.--A gentleman in feathers, by C. G. D. Roberts.--The cure, by M. de la Roche.--Labrie's wife, by D. C. Scott.--The essence of a man, by A. Sullivan.--The privilege of the limits, by E. W. Thomson.--"He who laughs last--!" By F. W. Wallace.--List of Canadian short stories in books and magazines (p. 329-337)--Books of short stories by Canadian authors (p. 338-340)
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