What is this book about? -- What is knowledge management? -- Why has knowledge management arisen? -- Organisations and knowledge management -- Summary -- Knowledge management in more detail -- Some starting points -- The rise of knowledge management -- What is knowledge management? -- Knowledge sharing and communication -- Knowledge management and learning organisations -- Intellectual capital -- Conclusions -- Sociotechnical systems and knowledge management -- Introduction -- Knowledge, understanding, and decision-making -- Knowledge and sociotechnology -- A history of the sociotechnical movement -- Communities of practice and teams-the sociotechnical view -- A sociotechnical cop-the abbey national -- A charitable cop -- Knowledge management and sociotechnical thinking -- Knowledge and sociotechnical systems -- Xerox case study -- Systems thinking and knowledge management -- Introduction -- Organisations and their management -- Systems thinking -- The philosophy and theory of social systems -- Social theory -- A critical systems framework for knowledge management -- Discussion and critique -- A future for knowledge management -- Conclusions -- A review of knowledge management frameworks -- Introduction -- Generic review grid for knowledge management frameworks -- Framework review -- Discussion