1. Children and young people who sexually abuse others :
المؤلف: edited by Marcus Erooga and Helen Masson ; foreword by Nigel Parton.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Child sexual abuse-- Great Britain-- Prevention.,Social work with juvenile delinquents-- Great Britain.,Social work with sex offenders-- Great Britain.,Teenage child molesters-- Great Britain.,Teenage child molesters-- Rehabilitation-- Great Britain.,Teenage sex offenders-- Great Britain.,Teenage sex offenders-- Rehabilitation-- Great Britain.,Adolescent Behavior.,Child Abuse.,Sex Offenses.,Abus sexuels à l'égard des enfants-- Grande-Bretagne-- Prévention.,Jeunes délinquants sexuels-- Grande-Bretagne.,Jeunes délinquants sexuels-- Réhabilitation-- Grande-Bretagne.,Jeunes pédophiles-- Grande-Bretagne.,Jeunes pédophiles-- Réhabilitation-- Grande-Bretagne.,Service social aux délinquants sexuels-- Grande-Bretagne.,Service social aux jeunes délinquants-- Grande-Bretagne.,Child sexual abuse-- Prevention.,Jeugdhulpverlening.,Jongeren.,Seksuele misdrijven.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Criminology.,Social work with juvenile delinquents.,Social work with sex offenders.,Teenage child molesters.,Teenage sex offenders-- Rehabilitation.,Teenage sex offenders.,Great Britain., 7
رده :
2. Dynamics of estuarine muds
المؤلف: / Richard. Whitehouse, Richard. Soulsby,..........
المکتبة: كتابخانه مركزي و مركز اسناد دانشگاه شهيد چمران (خوزستان)
موضوع: Muds,Estuarine,Dynamic
رده :
3. Health and safety law for the construction industry
المؤلف: Dr. Simon Joyston-Bechal and Helen Grice ; Christopher Dering, consulting editor.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Industrial hygiene-- Law and legislation-- Great Britain.,Industrial safety-- Law and legislation-- Great Britain.
4. Transforming schools through collaborative leadership /
المؤلف: Helen Telford.
المکتبة: کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبان های اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Educational leadership-- Australia.,School improvement programs-- Australia.,School management and organization-- Australia.,EDUCATION-- Leadership.,Educational leadership.,School improvement programs.,School management and organization.,Australia., 7
رده :