Encyclopedia of public international law /published under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law ; under the direction of Rudolf Bernhardt.
Amsterdam ;New York :New York :
: North-Holland Pub. Co. ;
, c1981-<1990>
v. <1-10, 12 >
;27 cm.
This book by book only 1, 2, and 8 in this library is available.
Vols. 5-<10 > distributed by Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
Includes bibliographies and index.
1. Settlement of disputes -- 2. Decisions of international courts and tribunals and international arbitrations -- 3. Use of force, war, and neutrality peace treaties (A-M) -- 4. Use of force, war, and neutrality peace treaties (N-Z) -- 5. International organizations in general. Universal international organizations and cooperation -- 6. Regional cooperation, organizations, and problems -- 7. History of international law. Foundations and principles of international law. Sources of international law. Law of treaties -- 8. Human rights and the individual in international law. International economic relations -- 9. International relations and legal cooperation in general. Diplomacy and consular relations -- 10. States. Responsibility of states. International law and municipal law -- 12. Geographic issues.
International law--Encyclopedias.
Bernhardt, Rudolf,, 1925-
Max-Planck-Institut fèur Auslèandisches èOffentliches Recht und Vèolkerrecht.