PART 1: THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSIS: Why gene cloning and DNA are important -- Vectors for gene cloning: plasmids and bacteriophages -- Purification of DNA from living cells -- Manipulation of purified DNA -- Introduction of DNA into living cells -- Cloning vectors for E. coli -- Cloning vectors for eukaryotes -- How to obtain a clone of a specific gene -- The polymerase chain reaction -- PART 2: THE APPLICATION OF GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSIS IN RESEARCH: Studying gene location and structure -- Studying gene expression and function -- Studying genomes -- PART 3: THE APPLICATION OF GENE CLONING AND DNA ANALYSIS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY: Production of protein from cloned genes -- Gene cloning and DNA analysis in medicine -- Gene cloning and DNA analysis in agriculture -- Gene cloning and DNA analysis in forensic science and archaeology -- Glossary.