Table of contents only
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Arabidopsis embryogenesis / Soomin Park and John J. Harada -- Maize embryogenesis / Pilar Fontanet and Carlos M. Vicient -- Spruce embryogenesis / Sara von Arnold and David Clapham -- In vitro fertilization with isolated higher plant gametes / Erhard Kranz, Yoichiro Hoshino, and Takashi Okamoto -- In vitro culture of Arabidopsis embryos / Michael Sauer and Jieri Friml -- Culture and time-lapse tracking of barley microspore-derived embryos / Simone de F. Maraschin ... [et al.] -- Isolation of embryo-specific mutants in Arabidopsis : plant transformation / Nai-You Liu, Zhi-Feng Zhang, and Wei-Cai Yang -- Isolation of embryo-specific mutants in Arabidopsis : genetic and phenotypic analysis / Nai-You Liu, Zhi-Feng Zhang, and Wei-Cai Yang -- Laser-capture microdissection to study global transcriptional changes during plant embryogenesis / Stuart A. Casson, Matthew W.B. Spencer, and Keith Lindsey -- Promoter trapping system to study embryogenesis / Robert Blanvillain and Patrick Gallois -- Visualization of auxin gradients in embryogenesis / Michael Sauer and Jieri Friml -- Intercellular trafficking of macromolecules during embryogenesis / Insoon Kim and Patricia C. Zambryski -- Immunolocalization of proteins in somatic embryos : applications for studies on the cytoskeleton / Andrei P. Smertenko and Patrick J. Hussey -- Detection of programmed cell death in plant embryos / Lada H. Filonova, Maria F. Suarez, and Peter V. Bozhkov.