Symmetrical analysis techniques for genetic systems and bioinformatics
/ Sergey Petukhov, Matthew He
: جهاد دانشگاهي اميرکبير, قرارگاه خاتم
, c2010
xvii, 271 p. , ill. ,
; 29 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Genetic code : emergence of symmetrical pattern, beginnings of matrix genetics -- Symmetries of degeneracy of the vertebrate mitochondrial code in the matrix form -- Biological evolution of dialects of the genetic code -- Numeric genomatrices of hydrogen bonds, the golden section, musical harmony, and aesthetic feelings -- Genetic code and stochastic matrices -- The genetic code, Hadamard matrices, noise immunity, and quantum computers -- Genomatrices and the genetic octet yin-yang-algebras -- The evolution of the genetic code from the viewpoint of the genetic 8-dimensional yin-yang-algebra -- Multidimensional numbers and the genomatrices of hydrogen bonds -- Genetic system, Fibonacci numbers, and phyllotaxis laws -- Physiological cycles and their algebraic models in matrix genetics -- Matrix genetics and culture.