Proceeding of the Sixth (1987) International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium
: Presented at the Sixth (1987) International Symposium & Exhibition of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Houston, Texas, March 1-6, 1987
/ Organized by OMAE Symposium Technical Program Committee and ASME-Offshore. Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Division
; Sponsored by American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA...[et al]
New York
: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
, 1987
: ill,
; 28 cm
Spine title: Proceeding of the Sixth International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium
Includes bibliographies
Contents: v.1. Offshore Technology/edited by Jin S. Chung...[et al]. - v.2. Offshore Mechanics/edited by Jin S. Chung...[et al]. - v.3. Materials Engineering/edited by M. M> Salama, H. C. Rhee, J. Y. Koo. - v.4. Arctic Engineering/edited by V. J. Lunardiny...[e al]
Proceedings of the Sixth International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium