Hazardous and industeria solid waste minimization practices
/ R. A. Conway...[et al.], editores
Philadelphia PA
: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
, 1989
214 p.
: ill.
; 23cm
ASTM special technical publication
; 1043
; 1043
Papers presented at the 8th Symposium on Hazardous and Industrial Solid Waste Testing and Disposal, held in Clearwater, Fla., Nov. 12- 13, 1987. sponsored by ASTM Committees D-- 34 on Waste Disposal and E- 38 on Resource Recovery
Includes bibliographies and index
Waste minimization-- Congresses
Hazardous wastes-- congresses
Factory and trade waste-- Congresses
ASTM Committee D- 34 on Waste Disposal
ASTM Committee E- 38 on Resource Recovery
Conway, Richard A
Symposium on Hazardous and Industerial Solid Waste Testing and Disposal (8th: 1987: Clearwater, Fla.)