Reprint of 12 articles originally published in various journals, 1956-1977
Includes bibliographical references and index
Quelques observations d'un orientaliste sur la these de Pirenne.--Nouvelles reflexions sur la these de Pirenne.--Apercus sur les Radhanites.--The Karimi merchants.--Les lainages dans l'orient medieval.--The Venetian supremacy in Levantine trade.--The Venetian cotton trade in Syria in the later Middle Ages.--Il commercio levantino di Ancona nel basso Medioevo.--Profits from trade with the Levant in the fifteenth century.--The volume of Levantine trade in the later Middle Ages (1370-1498).--Spice prices in the Near East in the 15th century.--La decouverte de la voie maritime aux Indes et les prix des epices