Evaluation of the built environment for sustainability
[Electronic Resource]
/ edited by P.S. Brandon, P.L. Lombardi, V. Bentivegna
xxiii, 568 pages
: illustrations, map ; 24 cm
Title from e-book title screen (viewed October 16, 2007).
Originally pub.: London : E. & F.N. Spon, 1997.
GMD: electronic resource.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Environmental assessment methods for use at the building and city scales: constructing bridges or identifying common ground? / Ian Cooper -- Toward a multi-modal framework for evaluating the built environment quality in sustainability planning / Patrizia Lombardi, P.S. Brandon -- Built Environment and Sustainable Development: City Models and Systems -- Limitations in environmental evaluations / Vincenzo Bentivegna -- The development of the Leeds Quantifiable City model / A.D. May, G. Mitchell, D. Kupiszewska -- An energy and environmental prediction model for cities / Phil Jones, Nigel Vaughan, P. Cooke, A. Sutcliffe -- An information system to support environmental decision making and debate / Chris Tweed -- Self-sustainable urban development / Luigi Fusco Girard -- Green Development Corporations: a proposed framework for an economically attractive and environmentally sustainable form of urban development / Nils Larsson -- Land management in the context of sustainability: the new regional land planning law of Tuscany / Marco Gamberini -- Policies for the management of a polluted urban environment: a study of the city of Wuhan, China / John G. Taylor -- The prajna approach to sustainable construction / Martin G. Sexton -- Sustainable architecture in the industrialised economies: environmental and energy-related aspects in teaching architectural technology / Marco Sala -- Designing and revitalising communities / Richard Grey, Sandy Halliday -- Evaluation in Planning and Construction: Processes and Problems -- Prioritizing environmental criteria in building design and assessment / Ray Cole -- Environmental cost internalization for sustainable construction / Charles J. Kibert -- Environmental impact evaluation of buildings and cities for sustainability / Tony Birtles -- Illuminating the cumulative impact of small decisions - A study of building demolition / B.L. Golton -- An economic evaluation and appraisal of the effects land use, building obsolescence and depreciation have on the environment of cities / Mark Deakin -- Sustainability and the built environment: tourism impacts / Sam S. Allwinkle, C.E. Speed -- The economic and social value of the conservation of historic buildings and areas: economics of conservation / C. Brooks, P. Cheshire, A. Evans, M. Stabler -- Environmental regeneration as a motor for development: the evaluation problem / Almerico Realfonzo -- Managing development at cultural heritage sites: conservation practice and sustainability / David Mason -- Economic development and environmental gloss: a new structure plan for Lancashire / Simin Davoudi -- Evaluation and planning process: methodological dimension / Abdul Khakee -- Environmental assessment in land use planning: a rhetorical approach / Almerigo Zeppetella -- Space management in the European compact city / Martin Symes -- Environmental and Economic Evaluation Methods and Applications -- Evaluation methods for the built environment: three open questions / Giulio Mondini -- Hedonic values of noxious activity: a comparison of US worker responses by race and ethnicity / David Clark -- Valuing public goods with contingent valuation methods: user purposes and values / Marina Bravi, Rocco Curto -- Using the contingent valuation method in the economic appraisal of the renovation of historic buildings / G.D. Garrod, K.G. Willis, H. Bjarnadottir, P. Cockbain -- The economic valuation of cultural heritage / Gemma Sirchia -- Methodology and application of sustainable environmental concepts for the built environment / Peter Nijkamp, Luisa Artuso -- Integrated conservation of cultural built heritage / F. Bizzarro, P. Nijkamp -- Multi-attribute analysis in the identification of areas for residental expansion: MAA and territorial planning / Paolo Rosato, Giuseppe Stellin -- Land planning and resources evaluation for public investments: resources evaluation for territorial planning / M. Grillenzoni, A. Ragazzoni, G.M. Bazzani, M. Canavari -- Environmental impact evaluation of high performance windows for sustainable buildings / Taria Muneer, B. Han, T.E. Truslove -- Traffic air pollution monitoring management and control for sustainability / Margaret C. Bell -- Assessment of noise from urban light railways / Bridget Shield -- Models and uncertainty measures in the theory of estimate / Riccardo Roscelli, Nicola Bellomo.