/ edited by W. S. Hoar and D. J. Randall. Contributors: Frank P. Conte [and others
New York
: Academic Press,
, 1969-<2012>.
: ill.; 24 cm.
Vols. 8-<9, 10, pt. B > edited by W.S. Hoar [et al.]
Editors vary.
Place of publication and publisher varies.
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
v. 1. Excretion, ionic regulation, and metabolism -- v. 2. The endocrine system -- v. 3. Reproduction and growth, bioluminescence, pigments, and poisons -- v. 4. The nervous system, circulation, and respiration -- v. 5. Sensory systems and electric organs -- v. 6. Environmental relations and behavior -- v. 7. Locomotion.-- v. 8. Bioenergetics and growth -- v. 9. Reproduction (2 v.) pt. A. Endocrine tissues and hormones; pt. B. Behavior and fertility control -- v. 10. Gills (2 v.) pt. A. Anatomy, gas transfer, and acid-base regulation ; pt. B. Ion and water transfer -- v. 11. The physiology of developing fish (2 v.) pt. A. Eggs and larvae; Pt.B. Viviparity and posthatching juveniles -- v. 12. The Cardiovascular system (2 v.) --v.13. Molecular endocrinology of fish -- v.14. Cellular and molecular approaches to fish ionic regulation --v. 15. The fish immune system. Organism, pathogen, and environment -- v. 16. Deep-sea fishes -- v. 17. Fish respiration -- v. 18. Muscle development and growth --v. 19. Tuna: physiology, ecology, and evolution -- v. 20. Nitrogen excretion -- v. 21. The physiology of tropical fishes -- v. 22. The physiology of polar fishes --v. 23. Fish biomechanics -- v. 24. Behaviour and physiology of fish -- v. 25. Sensory systems neuroscience -- v. 26. Primitive fishes -- v. 27. Hypoxia -- v. 28. Fish neuroendocrinology -- v. 29. Zebrafish -- v. 30. The multifunctional gut of fish -- v. 31. (2 v.) pt. A. Homeostasis and toxicology of essential metals; pt. B. Homeostasis and toxicology of non-essential metals. -- v. 32. Euryhaline fishes -- v. 33. Organic chemical toxicology of fishes.