Background and approach /Arthur C. Benke, Colbert E. Cushing --Atlantic Coast rivers of the northeastern United States /John K. Jackson [et al.] --Atlantic Coast rivers of the southeastern United States /Leonard A. Smock, Anne B. Wright, Arthur C. Benke --Gulf Coast rivers of the southeastern United States /G. Milton Ward, Phillip M. Harris, Amelia K. Ward --Gulf Coast rivers of the southwestern United States /Clifford N. Dahm, Robert J. Edwards, Frances P. Gelwick --Lower Mississippi River and its tributaries /Arthur V. Brown [et al.] --Southern Plains rivers /William J. Matthews [et al.] --Upper Mississippi River basin /Michael D. DeLong --Ohio River basin /David White, Karla Johnston, Michael Miller --Missouri River basin /David L. Galat [et al.] --Colorado River basin /Dean W. Blinn, N. Leroy Poff --Pacific Coast rivers of the coterminous United States /James L. Carter, Vincent H. Resh --Columbia River basin /Jack A. Stanford [et al.] --Great Basin rivers /Dennis K. Shiozawa, Russell B. Rader --Fraser River basin /Trefor B. Reynoldson [et al.] --Pacific Coast rivers of Canada and Alaska /John S. Richardson, Alexander M. Milner --Yukon River basin /Robert C. Bailey --Mackenzie River basin /Joseph M. Culp, Terry D. Prowse, Eric A. Luiker --Nelson and Churchill River basins /David M. Rosenberg [et al.] --Rivers of Arctic North America /Alexander M. Milner, Mark W. Oswood, Kelly R. Munkittrick --Atlantic Coast rivers of Canada /Richard A. Cunjak, Robert W. Newbury --St. Lawrence River basin /James H. Thorp, Gary A. Lamberti, Andrew F. Casper --Rivers of Mexico /Paul F. Hudson [et al.] --Overview and prospects /J. David Allan, Arthur C. Benke.