Multidimensional systems, signal processing algorithms and application techniques
[Electronic Resource]
/ edited by Cornelius T. Leondes
San Diego
: Academic Press,
, c1996.
xi, 401 p.
: ill. ; 24 cm.
(Control and dynamic systems.Advances in theory and applications,0090-5267
; v. 77)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Techniques in knowledge-based signal/image processing and their application in geophysical image interpretation /I. Pitas, C. Kotropoulos, and A.N. Venetsanopoulos --Thefoundations of nearfield acoustic holography in terms of direct and inverse diffraction /David D. Bennink and F.D. Groutage --Adesign technique for 2-D linear phase frequency sampling filters with fourfold symmetry /Peter A. Stubberud --Unified bias analysis of subspace-based DOA estimation algorithms /Fu Li and Yang Lu --Detection algorithms for underwater acoustic transients / Paul R. White --Constrained and adaptive ARMA modeling as an alternative to the DFT - with application to MRI /Jie Yang and Michael Smith --Integration of neural classifiers for passive sonar signals /Joydeep Ghosh ... [et al.] --Techniques in the application of chaos theory in signal and image processing /Woon S. Gan.