The Language of Economics -- Math Review -- Production and Growth -- Production -- Production in a Robinson Crusoe Economy -- Economic Growth -- Gains from Trade -- Demand and Supply -- Demand -- Supply -- Price as a Regulator in the Market -- Changes in Demand -- Changes in Supply -- Changes in Supply and Demand -- Government Interventions in the Market -- Price Floors and Ceilings -- Quantity Controls -- Taxation in the Supply and Demand Model -- Elasticity -- Price Elasticity of Demand -- Income Elasticity of Demand -- Cross Elasticity of Demand -- Elasticity of Supply -- Applications of Elasticity -- Price Elasticity of Supply and Demand and the Burden of a Sales Tax -- Consumer and Producer Surplus -- Consumer Surplus -- Producer Surplus -- Changes in Consumer and Producer Surplus and Changes in Supply and Demand -- The Impact of a Sales Tax on Consumer and Producer Surplus -- Utility -- The Utility Function and Indifference Curves -- The Household's Income Constraint -- The Household's Consumption Equilibrium -- The Law of Demand and Utility Theory -- Income and Substitution Effects -- Substitution Effect -- The Income Effect -- Combining Substitution and Income Effects -- Theory of the Firm -- Why the Firm? -- The Firm's Production Function and Isoquants -- Efficiency and the Firm -- The Firm's Cost Constraint -- A Firm's Cost Functions: Total Cost, Average Cost, and Marginal Cost -- Perfect Competition -- Theory of Monopoly -- Static Monopoly -- Efficiency Aspects of Static Monopoly -- Price Discrimination -- First Degree Price Discrimination -- Third Degree Price Discrimination -- Second Degree Price Discrimination -- Cartel Theory -- Contestable Market Theory -- Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly -- Monopolistic Competition -- Oligopoly -- The Kinked Demand Model -- Oligopoly with a Dominant Firm -- Strategic Interaction -- Cournot Duopoly Game -- Bertrand's Duopoly Game -- Factor Markets -- Labor -- Labor Demand -- Labor Supply -- Labor Market Equilibrium -- Additional Topics in Labor Markets -- Capital Markets -- Demand for Capital -- Supply of Capital -- Capital Market Equilibrium -- Land -- Market Failure and Government Intervention in Markets -- Public Goods -- Externalities.