National security as an ambiguous symbol / Arnold Wolfers -- Redefining security / Richard Ullman -- The national security problem in international relations / Barry Buzan -- The concept of security / David Baldwin -- Security and emancipation / Ken Booth -- Feminism and security / J. Ann Tickner -- The Third World and security studies / Amitav Acharya -- Redefining security (2) / Jessica Tuchman Matthews -- Human security / Roland Paris -- The renaissance of security studies / Stephen M. Walt -- Securitisation / Ole Wæver -- The nemesis of utopianism / E. H. Carr -- A realist theory of international politics / Hans J. Morgenthau -- The concept of order in world politics / Hedley Bull -- Anarchic orders and balances of power / Kenneth N. Waltz -- Cooperation under the security dilemma / Robert Jervis -- The false promise of international institutions / John J. Mearsheimer -- Economics and the moral case for war / Norman Angell -- Neoliberal institutionalism / Robert Keohane -- Democratic peace / Michael W. Doyle -- Neo-Kantian perspective / Bruce Russett -- The social construction of power politics / Alexander Wendt -- Norms, identity and national security / Thomas U. Berger -- Nuclear deterrence / Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein -- Arms races / Barry Buzan and Eric Herring -- Nuclear proliferation / Scott Sagan -- New military conflict / Lawrence Freedman -- Technology and war / Michael O'Hanlon -- Resources and conflict / Thomas Homer-Dixon -- Migration and security / Myron Weiner -- Transnational crime and security / Phil Williams -- AIDS/HIV and security / P. W. Singer -- Economics and security / Jonathan Kirshner -- The long peace / John Lewis Gaddis -- The unipolar illusion / Christopher Layne -- Alliance politics / Glenn Snyder -- Alliance futures / Stephen M. Walt -- Multilateralism / John Gerard Ruggie -- Regimes / Robert Jervis -- Security communities / Emanuel Adler -- Interventionism / Adam Roberts -- Economic sanctions / Robert A. Pape -- Private military companies / David Shearer -- Security in the twenty first century / Barry Buzan -- Instability in Europe? / John J. Mearsheimer -- Security dilemmas in East Asia? / Thomas J. Christensen -- Structural realism redux / Kenneth N. Waltz -- Security and global transformation / Ken Booth -- Globalisation and security / Victor D. Cha -- Terrorism / Walter Laqueur -- The war on terrorism / Michael Howard.
Security, International.
National security.
Hughes, Christopher W.
Lai, Yew Meng.
University of Tehran. Central Library and Documentation Center