: Ismaili and other Islamic studies in honour of Farhad Daftary
/ edited by Omar Ali-de-Unzaga
London; New York
: I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd
: Institute of Ismaili Studies
, 2011
, 2011
xvi, 600 p.
: ill., map
; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 521-571) and index
Introduction:a biographical sketch/Omar Ali-de Unzaga.-Bibliography of the works of Farhad Daftary.-Persian,the other sacred language of Islam:some brief notes/Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi.-Sunni claims to Imam Jafar al-nSZadiq/Hamid Algar.-The KitZab al-rusZum wal-izdiwZaj wal-tartZib attributed to AbdZan(d.289/899):edition of the Arabic text and translation/Wilferd Madelung and Paul E.Walker.-Abu Tammam on the Mubayyinda/Patricia Crone.-The Ikhwan al-Safa:between al-Kindi and al-Farabi/Abbas Hamdani.-Ibda,divine imperative and prophecy in the Rasail Ikhwan al-Safa/Carmela Baffioni.-Some aspects of the external relations of the Qaraminta in Banhrayn/Istvn Hajnal.-A distinguished Slav eunuch of the early Fatimid period:al Ustadh Jawdhar/Hamid Haji.-Al-Qandi al-Numan and his refutation of Ibn Qutayba/Ismail K. Poonawala.-The Risala al-Mudhhiba attributed to al-Qandi al-Numan:important evidence for the adoption of Neoplatonism by Fatimid Ismailism at the time of al-Muizz/Daniel De Smet.-Cosmos into verse:two examples of Islamic philosophical poetry in Persian/Alice C. Hunsberger.-Early evidence for the reception of NZansir-i Khusraw's poetry in Sufism:Ayn al-Qundat's letter on the Ralimis/Hermann Landolt.-A dream come true:empowerment through dreams reflecting Fatimid-Sulayhid relations/Delia Cortese.-From the "Moses of reason" to the "Khindr of the Resurrection":the oxymoronic transcendent in Shahrastani's Majlis-i maktub.-dar Khwarazm/Leonard Lewisohn.-Poems of the Resurrection