: texts and traditions of the Faramarzname and the Persian epic cycle
/ by Marjolijn van Zutphen
: Brill
, [2014]
xvi, 772 p.
: ill.
; 25 cm.
Studies in Persian cultural history/ editors Charles Melville, Gabrielle van den Berg, Sunil Sharma, ISSN 2210- 3554
; volume 6
Languages: English, Persian
In FarZamarz, the SistZani Hero, Marjolijn van Zutphen discusses the manuscripts, storylines and main themes of the shorter and the longer FarZamarznZame (c. 1100), in relation to Ferdowsi's ShZahnZame and several other later maçsnawis about the warriors from SistZan (the Persian Epic Cycle).
Includes bibliographical references (p. [734]-749) and index