/ published under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
; under the direction of Rudolf Bernhardt
Amesterdam, New York
New York
: North-Holland Pub. Co
: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland
, 1981-1990
, 1981-1990
v. <12v.>
; 27 cm.
Vol. 6: errata slip inserted.
Vols. 5-12 distributed by Elsevier Science Pub. Co.
Includes bibliographies and index.
1. Settlement of disputes -- 2. Decisions of international courts and tribunals and international arbitrations -- 3. Use of force, war, and neutrality peace treaties (A-M) -- 4. Use of force, war, and neutrality peace treaties (N-Z) -- 5. International organizations in general. Universal international organizations and cooperation -- 6. Regional cooperation, organizations, and problems -- 7. History of international law. Foundations and principles of international law. Sources of international law. Law of treaties -- 8. Human rights and the individual in international law. International economic relations -- 9. International relations and legal cooperation in general. Diplomacy and consular relations -- 10. States. Responsibility of states. International law and municipal law -- 11.Law of the sea .Air and space -- 12. Geographic issues.
Human rights and the individual in international law
History of international law. Foundations and principles of international law. Sources of international law. Law of treaties
States. Responsibility of states. International law and municipal law
International relations and legal cooperation in general. Diplomacy and consular relations
Geographic issues
Regional cooperation, organizations, and problems
Law of the sea .Air and space
International law--Encyclopedias.
, Rudolf
, 1925-
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law