Abu Ma`shar and Latin Aristotelianism in the twelfth century; the recovery of Aristotle`s natural philosophy throgh Arabic astrology
: [n.p]
, 1962
xl, 468 p.
; 24 cm
American University of Beirut. Publication of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Oriental series, no .38
American University of Beirut. Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Publications. Oriental Series, no . 38
Revision of the author`s thesis, Columbia University, issued in microfilm from in 1958, under title: The introductorium in astronomian of Abu Ma`shar and the reception of Aristotle`s natural philosophy in the twelfth century
Bibliography :p. [379] - 422
Abu Ma`shar, 805 or 6 - 886. al - Madkhal al - Kabir ila`ilm akham al nujum