Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian periods and of Eastern and Central Asia
: Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum by: School of Oriental and African Studies
, 1998
: ill (plates)
; 30 cm
Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum
; pt II
Vol 2: plathing I v by I.M.Diakonoff and v.A.Lirshits; edited by D.N.Mackenzie
Each volume contains plates published in Conyents: v.1: Inscription in non - Iranian languages - v.2: Parthian -- v.3: Sogdian - v.4 khwarezmian - v.5 : Bactrian
.-v.II.Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa (texts I pp. 161 - 215)