Second book of Sanskrit, being a treatise on grammar
/ with exercises
: Govt. central Book Depot
, 1881-
; 21 cm
Bombay. Dept. of public Instuction. Sanscrit series
At hewad of title: The Dept. of public Instruction, Bombay
Added t.p. in Sanscrit
''Errata'': 123p. inserted
----- -----A Guideto Sanscrit second book part I. by Nagardas A. Pandja. 1st ed Wadhwan City, Jechand Talakshi & Sons.1932.
127p.; 19 cm
------- --------A Guide to Sanscrit second book; Lessons XXI to the end. with answers to University Mutriculation. Question- papers(1916 to 1931) Edited by An Experienced graduate. Surat, Karsandas Narandas & Sons Book- Seller, [n.d.] 297p.