Bulletin of the Public Affairs Information Service, 1 st- annual cumulation.[1915] - White Plains, N. Y. , and New York, The H. W. Wilson Company, 1915 - 19
New York
: Public Affairs Information Service
, 1920
; 26 cm
1915 - 1924 have title: Bulletin of the Public Sffairs Information Service, a cooperative clearing house of public affairs information
Editors: 1915, Orrena L. Evans, Mabel E. Egbert. - 1916 - 19, Lillian Henley (with Katharine J. Middeton, 1917 -19). - 1920 - 21 , Alice L. Jewett.- 1922 - 24 , Harriet N. Bircholdt.- 1925 - Mary E. Furbeck, May Mellinger