Obstetric-gynecologic terminology, with section on neonatology and glossary of congenital anomalies
/ Edward C. Hughes, editor-in-chief
[1st ed.]
: Davis
, [c1972].
xxi, 731 p.
Language: انگلیسی
Work represents a major effort to standardize terminology in obstetics and gynecology. Text divided into 9 sections, with words and definitions arranged alphabetically therein. Eponyms, synonyms (in italics), abbreviations, and mode of inheritance (in Genetics section) are included. Abbreviation and subject indexes. This project had grant support from the Children's Bureau, now known as Maternal and Child Health Service of the Health Services and Mental Health Administration.
Abnormalities _ Terminology
Fetal Diseases _ Terminology
Gynecology _ Terminology
Infant, Newborn _ Terminology
Obstetrics _ Terminology
Hughes, Edward C. (Edward Charles)، 1901-
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Committee on Terminology