The end of energy obesity breaking today's energy addiction for a prosperous and secure tomorrow
Peter Tertzakian with Keith Hollihan
Hoboken, N.J.
John Wiley & Sons
xv, 296 p. ill. 24 cm
breaking today's energy addiction for a prosperous and secure tomorrow
Energy industries
Energy consumption
Economic development
Power resources
Tertzakian, Peter
Includes bibliographical references )p. 279-287( and index.
Pt. 1: The making of our energy appetite. After the banquet ; Whetting the energy appetite ; The first principle of energy consumption ; The world's factory -- Pt. 2: Elusive solutions. Breaking our energy diet ; Price and value ; Eating our efficiencies ; Complex carbons ; The maddening allure of the first principle -- Pt. 3: Thinking out of the box. The asymmetry principle ; Beyond nostalgia ; Conservation 2.0 ; Dissolving distance ; A low-carb, highly-scaleable diet ; The energy health craze -- Epilogue: Leadership on the commons.