McGraw Hill`s manual of laboratory & diagnostic tests/ Denise D. Wilson.- Davis`s comprehensive handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing/Anne M. van Leeuwen.- Ferri`s best tesst: A practica guide to.../Fred F. Ferri.- A manual of laboratory and diagnostic tests/ Frances Fischbach.- Brunner & suddarth`s handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests/ Wolters Kluwer.- Handbook of diagnostic tests.- Interpretation of diagnostic tests/ Jacques Wallach.- Auscultation skills breath & heart/ Judith A. Schiling.- clinical electrocardiography/ Ary L. Goldberger.- De Gowin`s diagnostic examination/ Richard F. Leblond.- oxford handbook of clinical and laboratory investigation/ Drew Provan.- professional guide to diagnostic tests/ Lee Abramo.- rapid ECG interpretation/ M. Gabriel Khan.- The only EKG book you`ll ever need/ Malcolm S. thaler