/ issue editors, George Creatsas and George Mastorakos
Boston, Mass.
: Published by Blackwell Pub. on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences
, c2010.
284 p.
: ill.
(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences0077-8923
; v
"This volume presents manuscripts stemming from the "The 7th Athens Congress on Women's Health and Disease : Gynecologic, Endocrine, and Reproductive Issues" held on September 11-13, 2008 in Athens, Greece"--Caption.
Cover title.
Includes bibliographical references.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ;v. 1205.0077-8923
Genital Diseases- Female- Congresses
Reproductive Medicine- Congresses
Endocrine System- physiology- Congresses
Women's Health- Congresses
Athens Congress on Women's Health and Disease(7th :2008)