Classification manual for voice disorders-I [electronic resource]
/ editors, Katherine Verdolini, Clark A. Rosen, Ryan C. Branski
; contributing authors, Moya L. Andrews ... [et al.]
Mahwah, N.J.
: Lawrence Erlbaum,
, 2006.
1 computer optical disc , sd
., col. , 4 3/4 in
"An original version of this manual was compiled in 1995 as an initiative of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Special Interest Division 3, Voice and Voice Disorders ... "--Foreword.
Voice Disorders- classification- Handbooks
Verdolini, Katherine.
Rosen, Clark A
Branski, Ryan C
Andrews, Moya L
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.Special Interest Division 3, Voice and Voice Disorders