/ Editorial board: J. C. Bailar, Jr., H. J. Emeleus, Sir Ronald Nyholm [and] A. F. Trotman-Dickenson (executive editor)
[1st ed.]
: Pergamon Press
, 1973.
5 v.
: illus. 26 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
v. 1. H, Noble gases, Group IA, Group IIA, Group IIIB, C, and Si.--v. 2. Ge, Sn, Pb, Group VB, Group VIB, Group VIIB.--v. 3. Group IB, Group IIB, Group IIIA, Group IVA, Group VA, Group VIA, Group VIIA, Group VIII.--v. 4. Lanthanides, Transition metal compounds.--v. 5. Actinides; Master index