100 of the most important arguments in Western philosophy /
edited by Michael Bruce, Steven Barbone.
Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. :
xiii, 409 p. ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Aquinas' five ways / Timothy J. Pawl -- The contingency cosmological argument / Mark T. Nelson -- The Kalam argument for the existence of God / Harry Lesser -- The ontological argument / Sara L. Uckelman -- Pascal's wager / Leslie Burkholder -- James' will to believe argument / A.T. Fyfe -- The problem of evil / Michael Bruce and Steven Barbone -- The free will defense to the problem of evil / Grant Sterling -- St. Anselm on free choice and the power to sin / Julia Hermann -- Hume's argument against miracles / Tommaso Piazza -- The Euthyphro dilemma / David Baggett -- Nietzche's death of God / Tom Grimwood -- Ockham's razor / Grant Sterling -- Parmenides' refutation of change / Adrian Bardon -- McTaggart's argument against the reality of time / M. Joshua Mozersky -- Berkeley's master argument for idealism / John M. DePoe -- Kant's refutation of idealism / Adrian Bardon -- The master argument of Diodorus Cronus / Ludger Jansen -- Lewis' argument for possible worlds / David Vander Laan -- A reductionist account of personal identity / Fauve Lybaert -- Split-case arguments about personal identity / Ludger Jansen -- The ship of Theseus / Ludger Jansen -- The problem of temporary intrinsics / Montserrat Bordes -- A modern modal argument for the soul / Rafal Urbaniak and Agnieszka Rostalska -- Epicurus' death is nothing to us argument / Steven Luper -- Lucretius' symmetry argument / Nicolas Bommarito -- The existence of forms : Plato's argument from the possibility of knowledge / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Plato, Aristotle, and the third man argument / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Logical monism / Luis Estrada-González -- The maximality paradox / Nicola Ciprotti -- An argument for free will / Gerald Harrison -- Frankfurt's refutation of the principle of alternative possibilities / Gerald Harrison -- Van Inwagen's consequence argument against compatibilism / Grant Sterling -- Fatalism / Fernando Migura and Agustin Arrieta -- Sartre's argument for freedom / Jeffrey Gordon -- Descartes' Cogito / Joyce Lazier -- Augustine's "Si fallor, sum" argument (if I am mistaken, I exist) / Brett Gaul -- The Cartesian dreaming argument for external-world skepticism / Stephen Hetherington -- The transparency of experience argument / Carlos Mario Muñoz-Suárez -- The regress argument for skepticism / Scott Aikin -- Moore's anti-skeptical arguments / Matthew Frise -- The bias paradox / Deborah Heikes -- Gettier's argument against the traditional account of knowledge / John M. DePoe -- Putnam's argument against cultural imperialism / Maria Caamaño -- Davidson on the very idea of a conceptual scheme / George Wrisley -- Quine's two dogmas of empiricism / Robert Sinclair -- Hume's problem of induction / James E. Taylor -- Hume's negative argument concerning induction / Stefanie Rocknak -- Argument by analogy in Thales and Anaximenes / Giannis Stamatellos -- Quine's epistemology naturalized / Robert Sinclair -- Sellars and the myth of the given / Willem A. deVries -- Sellars' "Rylean myth" / Willem A. deVries -- Aristotle and the argument to end all arguments / Toni Vogel Carey -- Justice brings happiness in Plato's Republic / Joshua I. Weinstein -- Aristotle's function argument / Sean McAleer -- Aristotle's argument that goods are irreducible / Jurgis (George) Brakas -- Aristotle's argument for perfectionism / Eric J. Silverman -- Categorical imperative as the source for morality / Joyce Lazier -- Kant on why autonomy deserves respect / Mark Piper -- Mill's proof of utilitarianism / A.T. Fyfe -- The experience machine objection to hedonism / Dan Weijers -- The error theory argument / Robert L. Muhlnickel -- Moore's open question argument / Bruno Verbeek -- Wolff's argument for the rejection of state authority / Ben Saunders -- Nozick's taxation is forced labor argument / Jason Waller -- Charity is obligatory / Joakim Sandberg -- The repugnant conclusion / Joakim Sandberg -- Taurek on numbers don't count / Ben Saunders -- Parfit's leveling down argument against egalitarianism / Ben Saunders -- Nozick's Wilt Chamberlain argument / Fabian Wendt -- Liberal feminism / Julinna C. Oxley -- Moral status of animals from marginal cases / Julia Tanner -- The ethical vegetarianism argument / Robert L. Muhlnickel -- Thomson and the famous violinist / Leslie Burkholder -- Marquis and the immorality of abortion / Leslie Burkholder -- Tooley on abortion and infanticide / Ben Saunders -- Rachels on euthanasia / Leslie Burkholder -- Leibniz' argument for innate ideas / Byron Kaldis -- Descartes' arguments for the mind-body distinction / Dale Jacquette -- Princess Elisabeth and the mind-body problem / Jen McWeeny -- Kripke's argument for mind-body property dualism / Dale Jacquette -- The argument from mental causation for physicalism / Amir Horowitz -- Davidson's argument for anomalous monism / Amir Horowitz -- Putnam's multiple realization argument against type-physicalism / Amir Horowitz -- The supervenience argument against non-reductive physicalism / Andrew Russo -- Ryle's argument against Cartesian internalism / Agustin Arrieta and Fernando Migura -- Jackson's knowledge argument / Amir Horowitz -- Nagel's "what is it like to be a bat" argument against physicalism / Amy Kind -- Chalmer's zombie argument / Amy Kind -- The argument from revelation / Carlos Mario Muñoz-Suárez -- Searle and the Chinese room argument / Leslie Burkholder -- Sir Karl Popper's demarcation argument / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Kuhn's incommensurability arguments / Liz Stillwaggon Swan and Michael Bruce -- Putnam's no miracles argument / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Galileo's falling bodies / Liz Stillwaggon Swan -- Eliminative materialism / Charlotte Blease -- Wittgenstein's private language argument / George Wrisley -- Fodor's argument for linguistic nativism / Majid Amini -- Fodor and the impossibility of learning / Majid Amini -- Quine on the indeterminacy of translation / Robert Sinclair -- Davidson's argument for the principle of charity / Maria Caamaño -- Frege's argument for Platonism / Ivan Kasa -- Mathematical Platonism / Nicolas Pain.