Why are family interventions important?: a family member perspective / Martin Gregory -- Family work in early psychosis / Grainne Fadden and Jo Smith -- A model of family work in first-episode psychosis: managing self-harm / Jean Addington ... ]et al.[ -- Working with families to prevent relapse in first-episode psychosis / Kingsley Crisp and John Gleeson -- Family intervention for complex cases: substance use and psychosis / Ian Lowens, Samantha E. Bowe, and Christine Barrowclough -- Family motivational intervention in early psychosis and cannabis misuse / Maarten Smeerdijk ... ]et al.[ -- A case of family intervention with a "high EE" family / Juliana Onwumere, Ben Smith, and Elizabeth Kuipers -- Coming to terms with mental illness is the family: working constructively through its grief / Virginia Lafond -- Interventions with siblings / Jo Smith, Grainne Fadden, and Michelle O'Shea -- Family intervention with ethnically and culturally diverse groups / Juliana Onwumere, Ben Smith, and Elizabeth Kuipers -- Multiple family groups in early psychosis: a brief psychoeducational and therapeutic intervention / David Glentworth -- Meeting the needs of families on inpatient units / Chris Mansell and Grainne Fadden -- Setting up a family interventions )FI( service: a UK case study / Frank Burbach and Roger Stanbridge -- Overcoming barriers to staff offering family interventions in the NHS / Grainne Fadden -- The COOL approach / Claudia Benzies, Gwen Butcher, and Tom Linton