Coding theory, cryptography, and related areas : proceedings of an International Conference on Coding Theory, Cryptography, and Related Areas, held in Guanajuato, Mexico, in April 1998
Berlin ; New York
viii, 259 p. :ill. ;24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Johannes Buchmann ... ]et al.[, editors
Modifications of the Rao-Nam cryptosystem / Angela I. Barbero and yvind Ytrehus -- Efficient reduction on the Jacobian variety of Picard curves / Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro, Jorge Estrada Sarlabous, and Jean-Pierre Cherdieu -- Continued fractions in hyperelliptic function fields / T.G. Berry -- Discrete logarithms : recent progress / Johannes Buchmann and Damian Weber -- One-weight Zb4s-linear codes / Claude Carlet -- Efficient algorithms for the Jacobian variety of hyperelliptic curves yp2s=x]superscript p[-x+1 over a finite field of odd charactieristc p / Iwan Duursma and Kouichi Sakurai -- On Weierstrass semigroups and one-point algebraic geometry codes / J.I. Farran -- On the undetected error probability of m-out-of-n codes on the binary symmetric channel / Fang-Wei Fu, Torleiv Klve, and Shu-Tao Xia -- Skew pyramids of function fields are asymptotically bad / Arnaldo Garcia and Henning Stichtenoth -- A public key cryptosystem based on sparse polynomials / D. Grant ... ]et al.[ -- Higher weights of Grassman codes / Sudhir R. Ghorpade and Gilles Lachaud -- Toric surfaces and error-correcting codes / Johan P. Hansen -- Decoding spherical codes generated by binary partitions of symmetric pointsets / John K. Karlof and Guodong Liu -- Worst-case analysis of an algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of n inputs / Charles Lam, Jeffrey Shallit, and Scott Vanstone -- Zeta functions of curves over finite fields with many rational points / Kristin Lauter -- Codes on Drinfeld modular curves / Bartolome Lopez and Ignacio Luengo -- Elliptic curves, Pythagorean triples and applications / J. Miret, J. Tena, and M. Valls -- Exponential sums and stationary phase )I( / Carlos Julio Moreno -- Exponential sums in several variables over finite fields / Oscar Moreno, Francis N. Castro, and Alberto Caceres -- Decoding Reed-Solomon codes beyond half the minimum distance / R. Refslund Nielsen and T. Hholdt -- Reed-Muller type codes on the Veronese variety over finite fields / C. Renteria and H. Tapia-Recillas -- Cryptography primitives based on a cellular automaton / Jesus Urias -- Factoring the semigroup determinant of a finite commutative chain ring / Jay A. Wood.
Congresses ، Coding theory
Congresses ، Data encryption )Computer science(
Security measures - Congresses ، Data transmission systems
AU Buchmann, Johannes.
International Conference on Coding Theory, Cryptography, and Related Areas )1998 : Guanajuato, Mexico(