Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory: a mathematical primer
Cambridge, UK; New York
Cambridge University Press
xi, 226 p.: ill.; 26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references )p. 219-221( and index
Jonathan Dimock
Part I. Non-relativistic: 1. Mathematical prelude; 2. Classical mechanics; 3. Quantum mechanics; 4. Single particle; 5. Many particles; 6. Statistical mechanics -- Part II. Relativistic: 7. Relativity; 8. Scalar particles and fields; 9. Electrons and photons; 01. Field theory on a manifold -- Part III. Probabilistic Methods: 11. Path integrals; 21. Fields as random variables 31. A nonlinear field theory -- Appendix A. Normed spaces -- Appendix B. Tesor product -- Appendix C. Distributions