Computational and analytical mathematics: in honor of Jonathan Borwein's 60th Birthday
New York
xv, 701 p.: ill.; 24 cm
Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics,4912-9001
Includes bibliographical references
David H. Bailey ... ]et al.[ editor
1. Normal numbers and pseudorandom generators / David H. Bailey and Jonathan M. Borwein -- 2. New demiclosedness principles for )firmly( nonexpansive operators / Heinz H. Bauschke -- 3. Champernowne's number, strong normality, and the X chromosome / Adrian Belshaw and Peter Borwein -- 4. Optimality conditions for semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems / Henri Bonnel and Jacqueline Morgan -- 5. Monotone operators without enlargements / Jonathan M. Borwein, Regina S. Burachik and Liangjin Yau -- 6. A Brndsted-Rockafellar theorem for diagonal subdifferential operators / Radu Ioan Bot and Erno Robert Csetnek -- 7. A q-analog of Euler's reduction formula for the double Zeta function / David M. Bradley and Xia Zhou -- 8. Fast computation of Bernoulli, Tangent and Secant numbers / Richard P. Brent and David Harvey -- 9. Monotone operator methods for Nash equilibria in non-potential games / Luis M. Briceno-Arias and Patrick L. Combettes -- 01. Compactness, optimality, and risk / B. Cascales, J. Orihuela and M. Ruiz Galan -- 11. Logarithmic and complex constant term identities /Tom Chappell, Alain Lascoux , S. Ole Warnaar and Wadim Zudilin -- 21. Preprocessing and regularization for degenerate semidefinite programs / Yuen-Lam Cheung, Simon Schurr and Henry Wolkowicz -- 31. The largest roots of the Mandelbrot polynomials / Robert M. Corless and Piers W. Lawrence -- 41. On the fractal distribution of brain synapses / Richard Crandall -- 51. Visible points in convex sets and best approximation / Frank Deutsch, Hein Hundal and Ludmil Zikatanov -- 61. On derivative criteria for metric regularity / Asen L. Dontchev and Helene Frankowska -- 71. Five classes of monotone linear relations and operators / Mclean R. Edwards -- 81. Upper semicontinuity of duality and preduality mappings / J.R. Giles -- 91. Convexity and variational analysis / A.D. Ioffe -- 02. Generic existence of solutions and generic well-posedness of optimization problems / P.S. Kenderov and J.P. Revalski -- 12. Legendre functions whose gradients map convex sets to convex sets / Alexander Knecht and Jon Vanderwerff -- 22. On the convergence of iteration processes for semigroups of nonlinear mappings in Banach spaces / W.M. Kozlowski and Brailey Sims -- 32. Techniques and open questions in computational convex analysis / Yves Lucet -- 42. Existence and approximation of fixed points of right Bregman nonexpansive operators / Victoria Martin-Marquez, Simeon Reich and Shoham Sabach -- 52. Primal lower nice functions and their Moreau envelopes / Marc Mazade and Lionel Thibault -- 62. Bundle method for non-convex minimization with inexact subgradients and function values / Dominikus Noll -- 72. Convergence of linesearch and trust-region methods using the Kurdyka-ojasiewicz inequality / Dominikus Noll and Aude Rondepierre -- 82. Strong duality in conic linear programming: facial reduction and extended duals / Gabor Pataki -- 92. Towards a new era in subdifferential analysis? / Jean-Paul Penot -- 03. Modular equations and lattice sums / Mathew Rogers and Boonrod Yuttanan -- 13. An epigraph-based approach to sensitivity analysis in set-valued optimization / Douglas E. Ward and Stephen E. Wright