Discovering child art : essays on childhood, primitivism, and modernism
Princeton, N.J.
Princeton University Press
xxii, 271 p. :ill. ;26 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
edited by Jonathan Fineberg
The art of unlearning / Werner Hofmann -- Behinning with the child / Rudolf Arnheim -- Viollet-le-Duc's Historie d'un dessinateur / E.H. Gombrich -- Larinov and children's drawings / G.G. Pospelov -- Children's drawing in Russian futurism / Yuri Molok -- "There is an unconscious, vast power in the child" : notes on Kandinsky, Mغunter and children's drawings / Barbara Wغorwag -- Paul Klee and children's art / Marcel Franciscono -- The issue of childhood in Klee's late work / Josef Helfenstein -- From primitivist phylogeny to formalist ontogeny : Roger Fry and children's drawings / Richard Shiff -- Mirعo and children's drawings / Dora Vallier -- The infant in the adult : Joan Mirعo and the infantile image / Christoper Green -- Magic figures : jorn, cobra and children's drawings / Troels Andersen -- From wonder to blunder : the child is mother to the man / John Carlin.
Kinderzeichnung und die Kunst des 02. Jahrhunderts. Kinderzeichnung und die Kunst des 02. Jahrhunderts.