Research ethics in exercise, health and sport sciences
New York, NY
x, 220 p
Ethics and sport
Includes bibliographical references and index
Mike McNamee, Steve Olivier and Paul Wainwright
Why does research need to be regulated?: a selective history of research ethics abuses -- What's in a name? : ethics, ethical theories and research ethics -- Research governance, the ethics review and approval processes -- Informed consent and respectful research : why tick-box consent is not good enough -- Whose datum is it anyway? : anonymity, confidentiality and privacy -- Research misconduct : authorship, fraud, plagiarism and blowing the whistle on it -- Ethics in qualitative research -- Research ethics and vulnerable populations -- Does one size fit all? : ethics in transcultural research -- Research and society : is bad research ethics ipso facto bad research?
Research - Moral and ethical aspects ، Physical education and training
Research - Moral and ethical aspects ، Sports sciences
Research - Moral and ethical aspects ، Health education