1. Forensic environmental chemistry / Anthony Carpi and Andrew J. Schweighardt -- 2. Principles and issues in forensic analysis of explosives / Jimmie C. Oxley, Maurice Marshall, and Sarah L. Lancaster -- 3. Analysis of fire debris / John J. Lentini -- 4. Forensic examination of soils / Raymond C. Murray -- 5. Analysis of paint evidence / Scott G. Ryland and Edward M. Suzuki -- 6. Analysis techniques used for the forensic examination of writing and printing inks / Gerald M. LaPorte and Joseph C. Stephens -- 7. The role of vibrational spectroscopy in forensic chemistry / Ali Kocak -- 8. Forensic serology / Richard Li -- 9. Forensic DNA analysis / Henrietta Margolis Nunno -- 01. Current and future uses of DNA microarrays in forensic science / Nathan H. Lents -- 11. Date-rape drugs with emphasis on GHB / Stanley M. Parsons -- 21. Forensic and clinical issues in alcohol analysis / Richard Stripp -- 31. Fundamental issues of postmortem toxicology / Donald B. Hoffman, Beth E. Zedeck, and Morris S. Zedeck -- 41. Entomotoxicology : drugs, toxins, and insects / Jason H. Byrd and Michelle R. Peace