This book contains selected papers presented at the Conference on Quantitative Social Science Research Using R. The Conference was held in New York City at the Lincoln Center campus of Fordham University, June 18-19, 2009
Includes bibliographical reference and index
H. D. Vinod, Editor
1. Econometric computing with "R" -- 2. Additive models for quantile regression: an analysis of risk factors for malnutrition in India -- 3. Toward better R defaults for graphics: example of voter turnouts in U.S. elections -- 4. Superior estimation and inference avoiding heteroscedasticity and flawed pivots: R-example of inflation unemployment trade-off -- 5. Bubble plots as a model-free graphical tool for continuous variables -- 6. Combinatorial fusion for improving portfolio performance -- 7. Reference growth charts for Saudi Arabian children and adolescents -- 8. Causal mediation analysis using R -- 9. Statistical validation of functional form in multiple regression using R -- 01. Fitting multinomial models in R: a program based on Bock's multinomial response relation model -- 11. A Bayesian analysis of Leukemia incidence surrounding an inactive hazardous waste site -- 21. Stochastic volatility model with jumps in returns and volatility: an R-package implementation