"A rich diversity of distinguished and learned scholars, mostly from North America and the UK, have combined in this singularly impressive and important volume, to provide what for many might at first sight seem to be an almost impossible harvest: fresh and original essays on carefully selected aspects of the poetry of Victorian England."
"Not only is the Companion brimming with fine arguments - there are far too many essays that warrant notice than can possibly be picked out in a short review - but it is also very well put together as a collection. Its clear table of contents and fulsome index make it easy to negotiate. Each essay is, moreover, followed by a generous list of references and suggested further reading."
2007, c2002
xiv, 602 p.; 26 cm
Blackwell companions to literature and culture
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN: 9781405176125
edited by Richard Cronin, Alison Chapman, Antony H. Harrison
، English poetry -- 91th century -- History and criticism -- Handbooks, manuals, etc