Methodological issues in learner needs analysis/Michael H. Long- Language needs analysis at the societal level/Richard D. Brecht & William.P. Rivers- Foreign language needs assessment in the US military/ John A.Lett- Sources, methods and triangulation in needs analysis: a critical perspective in a case study of Waikiki hotel maids/Rebeca Jasso-Aguilar- Foreign language need of business firms/Sonja Vandermeeren- Evaluating the use of multiple sources and methods in needs analysis:a case study of journalists in the autonomous community of Catalonia (Spain)/Roger Gilabert- "Feet speak louder than the tongue": a preliminary analysis of language provisions for foreign professional footballers in the Netherlands/Eric Kellerman, Hella Koonen, & Monique van der Haagen- A task-based needs analysis of a tertiary Korean as a foreign language program/Craig Chaudron ... [et al.]-