Auditing and attestation -- Business environment and concepts -- Financial accounting and reporting -- Regulat
A study aid for the certified public accountant (CPA) examination with more than 2,800 multiple choice questions and their solutions. Includes a study mode, which allows the user to structure and monitor study time; and an exam mode, which simulates actual exam conditions. Covers all new question forms and formats included in the new computerized exam, offers diagnostic feedback, customizable study sessions, explanations of questions, on-screen essay writing, guidelines, pointers, and tips on how to build knowledge. Features text links that provides comprehensive explanations about why incorrect answers fall sh
Wiley certified public accountant exam review practice software 10.0
Wiley CPA examination review practice software 10.0
CPA exam review practice software 10.0
Accounting, United States, Examinations, questions,
Accounting, United States, Problems, exercises,
Accounting, United States, Examinations, Study gui