بررسی مقایسهای کیفیت زندگی سالمندان شهری و روستایی مراجعه کننده سرپایی به درمانگاه داخلی بیمارستان امام سجاد (ع) شهرستان شهریار تهران از تیرماه ۸۹ تا تیر ماه ۹۰
Comparison of quality of life among rural and urban elderly outpatients attending the internal diseases clinic of Imam sajad Hospital of shahryar 2010-2011
علوم بهزیستی وتوانبخشی university of social welfare and rehabilitation))
، ۱۳۹۰
سالمندی gerontology
علوم بهزیستی وتوانبخشی university of social welfare and rehabilitation))
subscales.Key word: Health-Related Quality of Life, Elderly, Rural, Urban, Older People پemotional roleب and پbodily painب subscale,gender had a significant effect on quality of life.Conclusion: In Shahriar city, the urban and rural living environment does not have significant effect on QOL except in the پmental health (MH)ب ( ER) subscale, living area, and in theپemotional roleب subscale, employment, in the پsubscale,employment, in the social functioning (SF) پvitalityب subscale, gender and employment, in the پ(BP) subscale, education status, gender and living area,in the general health (GH) پbodily painب subscale,education status, in the پphysical roleب sub-scale, gender, age group and employment had significant effect on quality of life. In the پphysical functioningب The first step for health promotion, prevention of chronic diseases and reduction of incidence of specific diseases in the elderly is identifying the health and living conditions of elderly and factors affecting it which can be accomplished by assessing their quality of life. The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of life among rural and urban elderly outpatients attending the Internal Diseases Clinic of Imam Sajjad Hospital of Shahryar during the period of 2010-2011 Method: This study was a cross-sectional study conducted on 203 rural and urban elderly outpatients attending the clinic. HRQoL was measured using the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS software with uni-variate analysis and regression analysis for determining the major quality of life determinants.Results: Totally among 203 recurited samples 103 were from urban and 100 rural area.mean age for urban samples was 68.83(SD=6.72) and for rural area it was 69.9(SD=7.4). The range was 60-92 and 60-94 respectively.In a step-wise regression analysis on the
Comparison of quality of life among rural and urban elderly outpatients attending the internal diseases clinic of Imam sajad Hospital of shahryar 2010-2011